Friday, 1 May 2015

Luahan hatinyaa....

here jikoo sweet marry couple forever...<3

Pada satu malam yang amat dingin,sedang asyik jungkook duduk bersendirian di corridor,tiba-tiba ada sepasang tangan telah menyapanya dengan meletakkannya di atas bahu jungkook,"kenapa ni kookie?"soal jin sambil senyum kepada jungkook."Duduk lah abang.."pelawa jungkook dengan nada yang lemah."nape ni ?ade sesuatu ke yg wak tengah fikir?"soal jin setelah terlihat air mata jungkook yang sedang bertakung di matanya.."saya rasa dia dah tak pedulikan lagi dah pasal saya sejak kebelakangan ni.."luah jungkook sambil air matanya berlinangan membasahi pipinya."dia dah lain,dia layan saya macam orang asing"tambah jungkook lagi.

Pada mase yang same,sedang asyik suga tengah melepak di billiknya,tiba-tiba jimin masuk biliknya  dan terus duduk di atas lantai.Suga yang tadinya sedang bersantai di depan komputer turut duduk di lantai berdepan dengan jimin yang tengah termenung."nape ni jimin?"soal suga sambil mengusap bahu jimin."saya,tak tahu nak berdepan dengan dia macam mana setelah banyak kali saya telah malukan dia,tolak dia dan telah banyak sakitkan dia"luah jimin sambil air mata nya berlinangan membasahi pipinya."hari-hari saya dah sakitkan jungkook,sampaikan hari ni pun saya dah sakitkan dia.."tambah jimin sambil menahan sebaknya.Lalu,suga hanya tersenyum sendirian setelah mendengar rengekan adik iparnya itu.

"adik,dengar dengan jelas apa yang akan abang sampaikan ni"kata jin kepada jungkook.Tanpa melengahkan lagi masa jin pun memulakan bicaranya."petang tadi,lepas kita semua tamat latihan,jimin datang jumpa abang,dan dia ade kata,"abang saya rasa perasaan saya dah berubah".Setelah mendengar apa yang jin cakap jungkook cuba untuk bangun dari situ dan berkata"saya penat ari ni."Belum sempat kookie ingin bangun jin telah memegang lengannya untuk menghalang dia dari pergi."dia dah tak suke kat awak,tapi...dia betul2 sayangkan awak,sehinggakan dia tak tau mcm mane nak layan awak."tambah jin."sayang..?"kookie bersuara sambil tersenyum sinis.

"Awak tau,awak dalam keadaan ape sekarang?"soal suga.Lalu jimin hanya menggelengkan kepalanya.Terus suga menambahkan lagi bicaranya "awak takkan boleh hidup kalau dia takde dalam hidup awak ,sebab tu awak panik kerana awak takut dia akan pergi tinggalkan awak...ini bermakna awak takkan lepaskan dia walau apa pun rintangan yang berlaku selepas ini...disebabkan itu jugak awak tak tau macam mana caranya untuk berdepan dengan orang yang paling awak sayang dan jugak orang yang paling awak cintai melainkan selalu menyakitkannya..sebab awak nak tengok apekah perasaan sebenarnya ..pada awak"tambah suga sambil tersenyum bangga kepada dua pasangan suami isteri itu.

"sayang dengan hari-hari menyakitkan saya...menyeksa saya dari dalam ..itu adalah satu penyeksaan yang sangat dahsyat seumur hidup saya.."luah jungkook.Lalu jin tersenyum dan berkata"awak berdua ni sungguh mengayatkan hati kami semua,kookie ini bermakna dia takkan boleh hidup tanpa adenya awak di muka bumi ini,sebab baginya awaklah jantung dia,nyawa dia..sehinggakan dia sendiri tak sedar ape yang telah dia lakukan dan dia sangat takut kalau awak ppergi suatu hari nanti..dan..awak pun..awak jeon jungkoook pun sangat sayang akan jimin dan takut dia pergi sebab tulah awak tunjukkan reaksi macam tu bile jimin layan awak macam tu."kata jin sambil tersenyum bangga mengenangkan kisah cinta sejati adiknya itu yang akan selamanya abadi.

Thursday, 30 April 2015


JiKOOK sweet marry couple forever...<3

Pada malam yang sunyi sepi jimin dan junngkook ingin menuju ke rumah rapmon untuk meraikan sedikit sambutan hari lahir adiknya.Sedang asyik mereka berdua usik-mengusik sesama mereka ,tiba2 jungkook telanggar seseorang secara tak sengaja.Jungkook hampir tersadung,tapi jimin sempat menyambut jungkook ke dalam pelukannya."jalan pandang mana cik..!!"marah lelaki yang bertubuh sasa tersebut kepada jungkook.Hampir saja lelaki tersebut ingin memukulnya,belum sempat dia memukul jungkook,Jimin berdiri depan jungkook untuk menghalang.

"ji...mi..n!!"jerit jungkook.Manakala jimin yang masih lagi belum tidur disisinya pergi mengesot menghampirinya.Jimin merenung jungkook sambil membelai-belai   pipi jungkook yang sedang mengigau itu."jungkook...sayang..sayang bangun".Beberapa saat kemudian,jungkook terjaga dari tidurnya dan pantas  memeriksa seluruh badan dan jugak muka jimin."jimin.!!awak okey .?"soal jungkook dengan cemasnya.Manakala jimin hanya tersenyum melihat gelagat isterinya yang comel itu.Jimin pun dengan tiba-tiba baring di atas riba jungkook( berlakon )

"jungkoook,dah tiba masanye untuk saya pergi..selamat tinggl saaayaa..n..g"sambil memegang tangan jungkook dan meletakkannya ke atas dadanya.Jungkook panik,dia mahu lari turun dari katil,tapi jimin bingkas bangun dan peluk jungkook."sayang...awak mimpi je lah.."sambil berbisik dekat jungkook.Jungkook pusingkan badan dia,lalu..pukul(pukul manja dekat dada) jimin."jiiimin..."Lalu,jungkook tolak jimin ketepi dan menyelubungkan badan nye dengan selimut sebab malu.Jimin pergi baring sebelah jungkook dan memeluk jungkook sambil mengesel pipinya dengan pipi jungkook.

"tidur lah sayang..dah lewat nii..jom.."sambil memeluk erat badan jungkook.Akhirnya jungkook keluarkan kepalanya daripada selimut itu sebab dia lemas.."Apabila dia memusingkan kepalanya ke arah jimin,Tak dijangka mata jimin sedang merenung jungkook.Jungkook  segan dengan cara jimin pandang dia ,lalu dia pun memejamkan matanya.Perlahan-lahan jimin menghampiri jungkook dan "sayang...ab.."belum sempat jimin menghabiskan kata-katanya jungkook terus memeluk jimin.Pada malam itu,mereka berdua pun tidur dengan nyenyaknya dalam pelukan yang penuh kasih sayang.

Tidak ade yang lain sayang..hanya dirimu selamanya..


Sedang Jimin  asyik menyandarkan susuk badannya di atas kerusi mewah di dalam bilik mereka,Tiba-tiba rasa haba kehangatan badan seseorang yang sangat dikenalinya duduk dia atas ribanya,"kookiee.."jimin menyebut nama isteri kesayangnya itu sambil merangkul pinggan kookie dengan erat.Jungkook yang tadinya tiada persaan apa-apa kini berubah menjadi gementar.Jungkook ingat ingin singgah sebentar untuk melihat muka suaminya yang kacak itu,setahunya jimin tidur,malahan lain pula jadinya.

"kenapa sayang...ade ape2 ke?'soal jimin dengan nada yang cukup romantis."umm,,uh..jimin..pegilah kawin ngan pompuan lain kat luar sana,kalau awak hidup selamanya dengan saya ,awak takkan..dapat apa2,macam yang kita tahu kita dua2 laki..dan laki tak kan penah mengandung"kata jungkook sambil air matanya mengalir membasahi pipinya kerana dia pun tak sanggup nak cakp macam tu ,,tapi dia pikir.itulah masa yang sesuai.

Jimin mendiamkan diri kerana terpana mendengar luahan jungkook yang sebegitu.Jungkook  bangung dari riba jimin dan dia melutut depan jimin..Jimin dengan pantasnya bangun dari kerusi tersebut dan dia membangun kan jungkook"saya tak penah pikir pun semua tu..yang saya tau saya hanya nak awak ade didalam pangkuan saya selamanya"lalu memeluk jungkook ke dalam pangkuannya.Jungkook hanya mampu menitiskan air mata setelah mendengar kata2 jimin yang cukup menyentuh perasaannya"saya,tak penah mintak pun semua tu,saya hanya mintak awak kekal di dalam pangkuan saya selamanya..sayang"tambah jimin lagi .

Jungkook memeluk jimin dengan sekuat hatinya"saya takut ..saya takut saya akan kehilangan awak"luah jungkook.Jimin membelai rambut jungkook dan membisik ke telinga jungkook"tak kan penah terjadi"Jimin mendodoikan jungkook sehingga jungkook tertidur didalam pangkuannya yang hangat itu.Jimin mengangkat jungkook ke atas katil dan menyelimutkan seluruh tubuhnya.Sebelum jimin keluar dia sempat mencium pipi jungkook dengan berkata"kolot betul budak kecik ni"sambil tersenyum  bangga.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Sakit hati ini tidak dapat diungkap...

jikook sweet marry couple forever..<3

Seperti yang kita tahu jimin dengan v sudah berkawan sejak sekolah lagi.Jadi mestilah kita tahu perangai masing2 kan..jadi..jom baca citer ni..

Sedang BTS sedang melayan ARMY,tiba-tiba.."jimin.."sambil mencubit pipi jimin."ahh..sana-sana!!"kata jimin dengan nada yang rimas dan tepis tangan V."oww..ko sombong sejak kita jadi ahli bts ni ea.."kata V sambil menepuk bahu jimin.Sedang asyik V cuba nak mengusik  jimin setelah sekian lamanya tak mengusik jimin,tiba2 hari ni dia buat semua tu.Ade seorang yang menunjukkan pandangan yang penuh dengan sakit hati dan bercampur baur dengan persaan cemburu iaitu si jantung hati jimin iaitu jungkook.

Setelah tamat persidangan itu,Jungkook dengan pantas bangung dan terus bergegas ke tandas.Kelihatan Jimin perasan dengan keadaan tu.Lagi sekali V datang sebelah jimin untuk bermanja -manja."jiminnn..jom2 pergi main kat taman "pelawa V dengan girangnya.Manakala jimin cuba untuk menjenguk kelibat jungkook,tapi V menghalang pandangan dia.Apabila dia gagal untuk memerhati jungkook ,dia pun bersuara"V,!!sanalah..pegilah main dengan pakwe ko..!!"dengan nada yang serius.

Jungkook cepat2 kunci bilik air ,dia takut ahli yang lain masuk.Dia terduduk dekat lantai dengan tidak menyedarkan diri.Jimin bergegas keluar dari bilik persidangan tu demi untuk mencari jungkook,hampir sejam jimin cari,tapi tak jumpe..tiba-tiba V muncul "eyy...ko kenpa ni sayang oii"soal V.Tidak dijangka jungkook keluar dari bilik air tu,dan tidak menjangka jugak jimin dengan V di depan bilik air tu.Semasa  jungkook keluar dari bilik air tu V sedang berkepit dengan jimin.

Jimin terpaku..Dan jungkook pun hanya mendiamkan diri sambil lalu depan jimin,Dengan pantas nya jimin mencapai pergelangan tangan jungkook.Tidak menduga keadaan menjadi begitu,Jungkook menarik tangan nya  secara menyentak dan menolak jimin ke tepi.Hati jimin masa tu bagaikan tidak bernyawa.V yang ada kat situ bagaikan tidak paham apa yang sedang berlaku,Lalu dengan selambanya,dia pegang tangan jimin dan bawak jimin berjalan keluar dari studio itu.

Sedang yang lain sibuk untuk melintas jalan,jungkook berjalan sambil mengenangkan apa yang dia lihat sebentar tadi,Dengan keadaan yang tak sedarkan diri, dia hanya melintas jalan sambil terkenang hal tadi  itu,membuatkan jimin yang tadinya berjalan dengan V yang tak lepas2 tangan dia dari tadi berlari ke arah jungkook yang memang hampir ingin dilanggar kereta,lalu ditarik jimin dalam pelukan dia sambil menjerit nama jungkook..Lalu jimin membawa jungkook ke seberang jalan dengan selamatnya.

Jungkook sekali lagi menolak jimin dengan kuat lalu terus berlari dari situ."jimin,apa dah jadi ni"soal hobie sambil mengusap belakang jimin yg sedang mengalir air matanya sambil terduduk setelah ditolak jungkook sebentar tadi.."Jin dengan terkejutnya setelah melihat jungkook yang sedang menagis menuju ke bilik nya.Lalu dengan kuatnya jungkook menutup pintu biliknya itu lalu dikuncinya.Setelah beberapa saat kemudian Hobie tiba di depan pintu rumah Jin yang sambil memimpin jimin yang sedang menangis.

Sedang hobie membawa jimin masuk,Secara tidak dijangka,jungkook turun sambil membawa beg bersamnya."jungkook,nak pergi mana ni,,?"soal hobie  dengan reaksi yang terkejut yang sedang menenagkan jimin disebelahnya terhenti apabila melihat jungkook.Jin cuba untuk menghalang jungkook dengan pergi ke arah jungkook lalu mengambil beg jungkook bawak ke depan jimin."kalau nak,mari lah datang sini ..ambik dan terus pergi.."kata jin dengan serius.

Semacam tak percaya Jin bertindak macam tu.Jungkook  terduduk di situ sambil air matanya mengaalir deras membasahi lantai.Jimin yang tadinya hanya duduk berdiam diri,kini bangun dan pergi ke arah jungkook dan duduk berdepan dengan jungkook.Jimin meletakkan tangannya ke atas bahu jungkook.Hobie dan Jin pun keluar dari rumah tu meninggalkan mereka berdua untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka itu."sana!"jerit jungkook sambil menepis tangan jimin lagi.Jimin hanya merenung jungkook dengan air matanya yang mengalir kerana dia betul2 tak tau nak cakap ape setelah berapa kali jungkook telah menepis dan menolaknya dengan begitu kuat sekali hari ni.

Memang selama ni dia diperlakukan begitu ,tetapi hari ni betul2 dia merasakan kelainan yang berada dalam diri jungkook."Saya ni patung..!!takde perasaan huh..??!"jungkook bersuara tegas.Jimin hanya merenung jungkook dari tadi.Tiba-tiba kali ni jimin bersuara"Awak nak saya buat ape..'soal jimin dengan sayu yang matanya memang tak teralih dari melihat jungkook.Tiba-tiba jungkook menagis dengan kuat lagi..sehingga kan lantai yang didudukinya itu bertakung air matanya sampaikan membasahi seluarnya .

"V tu kawan saya...hanya KAWAN!!"jerit jimin sambil melempar barang yang ade berhampiran denganya itu ke dinding ,Kali ni jimin tak boleh nak kawal perassan dia apabila melihat orang yang paling dia sayang dengan seluruh jiwa hatinya itu menangis disebabkan dia dengan sebab sebegitu.Jungkook terkedu mendengar jimin meluahkan benda tu,Di menjangka jimin tak pernah tahu ape yang dia rasa. selama ini.Lalu jungkook mengangkatkan kepalanya dan merenung  wajah jimin yang menghalakan muka nya ke sisi.

"saya dah cuba untuk mengelak dari semua ni..tapi mustahil saya nak berkasar dengan abang-abang dan juga kawan sendiri semata-mata untuk awak,,nanti orang fikir yang saya ni gila..saya ni hanya gilakan awak sehinggakan tak nampak apa2 dah ..melainkan awak.."tambah jimin lagi setelah dia tahu jungkook yang sedang merenung dia.Jungkook hanya membisu apabila mendengar luahan seorang insan yang sangat dia sayangi sedang merengek pasal dia.

Dengan perlahan-lahan jungkook menghampiri jimin.Jimin yang tadinya menghadap mukanya ke  arah sana,kini menghadapkan kembali mukanya menghadap jungkook,Bagaikan mimpi,jungkook berada betul betul depan jimin.Lalu mereka merenung mata sesama mereka.Setelah merenung mata jimin yang penuh dengan kesakitan disebabkan oleh dirinya sendiri,Lalu dia terus memeluk jimin perlahan dengan perlahannya sehingga dada mereka bertemu  dengan sangat rapat.

Pada detik itu,tiada apa yang kedengaran,melainkan dua hati yang menjadi satu kini tengah berdegup kencang."jungkook,saya harap kita boleh memahami situasi kita yang sama sama merasa kesakitan yang dikongsi bersama oleh jantung hati kita berdua"jimin menyuarakan apa yang dipendam oleh nya memandangkan keadaan akan bertambah tegang jika kedua-duanya hanya mendiamkan diri.Selepas bersuara,jimin menatap muka jungkook.

Tiba-tiba jungkook mendonggak merenung tepat ke dalam mata jimin,Jimin yang tadinya menatap wajah jungkook ,kini beralih mata merenung tepat ke dalam mata jungkook.Jungkook tak mampu nak merenung lama-lama sebab dia seorang yang pemalu.Lalu,jungkook tundukkan kepala dia ke lantai.Jimin masih lagi  tertumpu pada jungkook."jimin,hari ni hari yang paling malang bagi awak kan..."sambil mengusap-usap dada jimin.

"Jimin,ingat tak.."belum sempat jungkook menghabiskan kata-katanya ,jimin menghempapkan badan jungkook ke dinding yang berhampiran belakang jungkook."jimin...jom tidor.."jungkook panik dengan cara jimin sebentar tadi lalu dia pun bangun untuk lari sebab panik.Tapi tangan jimin pantas menarik tangan jungkook sehingga kedua-dua nye terbaring ke lantai.jungkook jatuh terlebih dahulu,manakala badan jimin separuh jatuh atas badan jungkook.

Jungkook cuba untuk bangun tapi jimin memeluk pinggang dia,apabila dia menghala mukanya ke sisi,kelihatannya si suami kesayangannya itu dah tertidur sambil berpaling muka ke arah jungkook,Jungkook tersenyum melihat jimin kesyanganya itu tertidur.Jungkook mengusap rambut jimin yang sedang dibuai mimpi itu dengan penuh kasih sayang.'umm,macam ni perasaan awak bila usap rambut saya,saya paham dah sekarang"jungkook berbisik sendirian lalu tertidur.

Tiba-tiba pada pertengahan malam jimin terjaga,sebaik dia tersedar,dia melebarkan senyumannya bila dia nampak kepala jungkook atas dada dia yang sedang nyeyak tidur.Jimin menggerakkan tangan nya menghala ke kepala jungkook dan mengusap rambutnya dengan penuh kasih sayang,tiba-tiba jungkook peluk dia,dia pun dengan bahagianya memeluk jungkook dengan penuh rasa cinta dan kasih sayang.

Kawal diri tu...

ambik kau...jikook shipper...<3
Jikook sweet marry couple forever...<3

"jungkookku....awak kat mana..sayang.."jimin memanggil manggil jungkook memandangkan dia tak nampak kelibat jungkook sejak dia bagun tidor.Dengan tidak berputus asanya jimin terus cari dan mencari pengarang jantung hatinya itu dengan bersungguh-sungguh.Hampir seluruh kawasan rumahnya itu  sudah diperiksa,tapi masih tak jumpa2 lagi.Lalu dia pun berhenti untuk berehat di bawah sebuah pokok yang sangat besar yang tidak jauh dari kediaman rumah mereka."wahaii sayangku...sampai hati buat abang jimin macam ni.."mengeluh jimin sambil duduk berpeluk tubuh.

Kemudian dia dapat merasakan kehangatan tubuh badan seseorang dengan perlahan-lahan memeluk tubuh nya dari belakang."kenapa...jiminn.."dengan nada yang menggoda.Jimin terpana dengan tindakan isterinya si jungkook itu berkelakuan seperti itu.Jimin cepat cepat melarikan diri dari pelukan jungkooknya itu kerana dia dapat meraskan ada sesuatu yg menimpa jungkook kerana ini kali pertama jungkook berkelakuan macam tu..Jimin berjalan ke arah jungkook dan memegang kedua-dua bahu jungkook dan bertanya kepada jungkook."sayanggku,kenapa ni"manakala matanya merenung ke wajah jungkook dengan penuh kasih.

Tapi jungkook hanya menundukkan kepalanya dan menggelengkannya.Secara tiba-tibanye,jungkook memeluk jimin..Pada masa tu,jantung jimin bedegup begitu kencang bagaikn nak keluar dari dada dia.Tiba-tiba jungkook bersuara."kenapa abang jimin..bukan ke abang jimin suka keadaan macam ni.."sinis jungkook apabila dia menyandarkan kepalanya ke dada jimin yang tegap itu.Jimin memandang jungkook yang sedang mendengar jantung dia yang semakin kencang berdegup.'jeon jungkook"jimin menyebut nama jungkook sambil memandang ke arah lain.

"jungkook,jangan lah macam ni.."bisik jimin,Selepas jimin membisik di telinganya,barulah dia sedar..dan dengan sekuat hati  dia menolak jimin sehinggakan jimin terbaring ke tanah yang penuh dengan bunga2.Dengan pantasnya jungkook pandang ke arah lain sebab malu dengan kelakuannya yang secara tiba-tibanya itu."kenapa jimin baring kat situ"soal jungkook seolah-olah macam takde ape -apa berlaku.."tak tau lah...ada seseorang tolak saya..lepastu dia lari macam tu..hmm..sini lah tolong angkat abang ...'sambil menhghulurkan tangannya .

Jungkook pun pergi mencapai  taggan jimin yang sengaja mengada-ngada seolah-olah tak mampu nak bangung sendiri.Jungkook pun mencapai tanggan jimin,Lalu jimin pun capai tangan jungkook dan gagah berdiri."jom..."pelawa jimin sambil memegang erat tangan jungkook.Lalu jimin pun berjalan dengan jungkook sambil memegang erat tanggan sesama mereka."kalau saya buat takpe,kalau awak buat macam tu nanti saya tak mampu nak kawal perasaan saya"kata jimin sambil memandang jungkook yang tersipu malu disampingnya.

Isn't you...

Here jikook for today...I write this story specially for jikook shipper forever...,<3
Jikook sweet marry couple forever....<3

unexpected one day BTS was have a big crisis was happen to jikook marry couple....

"I know you will come our pretty kookie"smirk of the one who is really obssesed with jimin saying such that word while patting kookie,Suddenly,"have a last word to your lovely husband?"ask that girl to the unkowledge kookie.Then "What are you talking about and who are yo.."before kookie finished his talk suddenly someone was knock kookie's head with a wood from back,and the most cruel that evil was push kookie into the river nearby with them."hmm,such a pity ,bye.."say that girl and yet leave from there.

At the same time while all that's happen jimin was locked in the placed he never seen after have a group of gangsters was punch him badly."ahhh!!!"shout jimin loudly while try to kick the door."kookie..!!!"after a few hour,finally bts find kookie was drowned till his body's become cold."wha..t is it"ask Jin shocked while grab rapmon's arm."where that pabo!!how could this happen!?"Say V with full of anger after see kookie's in that situation."bitch!!where are you..?!!"say hobie while oftenly trying called jimin.

Finally jimin was got out from that placed."jeon jungkook!!!"while rush go to that's placed .After jimin reach there,he found out nobody was there.Suddenly,"we're at hospital seoul now..come over here now !"when he got that message he rush go to that's hospital."kookie,wake strong kookie,we all know you that strong"said suga sadly when see his brother like that."'re worse"shout Hobie loudly at outside. while push jimin at wall.

"hobie...we must ask him smoothly"say rapmon coolly when he was saw have some blood at jimin clothes."it must be something at jimin too when kookie was at there,but they was sturggle in the same time but with different way."whispering in rapmon's heart.'I know my fault..'Said jimin regretly while he lost his sense."wait..something was happen "ask jin while grabs jimin clothes."jimin..!!"shout suga who is waiting in the room  with V.

Rush into kookie and embraced him."forgive me ,I'm such a klutz..I' should realised fom begining that's I wasn't able..."yet jimin don't finished his talk,kookie cover his mouth.."I was that bad...cause don't know how to appreciated The one person who is truly Loved me from's not your fault..jimi..n,"said kookie weakly ,then was sleep in jimin's embrace,thus the hand he was cover jimin's mouth slowly down..Then jimin grab's kookie hand who was stoped on jimin's chest and "'re so kind baby..".while stared at the sleeped kookie with full of lovely eyes.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

only you...

this is for jikook shipper..<3
JikOok sweet marry couple forever....

Jimin say "here my baby..."while hugged jungkook into his embrace."Then kookie slowly push jimin's chest who is closet to him."..dear"say kookie shyly while the camera man is focusing record their momment."ayy,,that prevert start being crazy to his lovely wife"whispering V to Hobie.Then Hobie shout at that's marry couple."yaa..want to die both of you"while laughing with V at makeup room.Without any doubt kookie give back hug to jimin who is focused repair his clothes.",before I want hugged you,you become shy.Now you come because want my attention,such a naughty you're"say jimin proudly.

Jimin so amazed with his lovely wife,even give me that change to hold you,i know you need me,i need you..and i want the dream of lifetime this feeling is true with you my life is worth if you love me come on over to get to know you know i need you cause i know you need me.when first walk to your room i was so amazed."i'm ready for you"i just wanna love you and i want you in my life.without you i feel so cold here.

Kasih Sayang Kita Sampai KE syurga...

here for jikook shipper ...

jikook sweet marry couple forever....<3

Sedang asyik,jimin khusyuk main dengan kamera,tiba-tiba si isteri kesayangannye duduk sebelah dia..memandangkan kosong,lalu cepat cepat kookie duduk, takut nanti member bts yang lain duduk."jimin...jimin..pandanglah saya.."kata kookie sambil mencuit-cuit bahu jimin.Tapi,malangnye jimin sengaja buat buat tak tahu.Lalu,si jelitanye itu pun merajuk dan membuat keputusan untuk pergi dari situ,memandangkan si suaminye itu tak nak main dengan dia(merajuk).

Selang 10 minit kemudian,kedengaran seperti seseorang mencari kesayangannye.."sayang...sayang.."jerit jimin hampir separuh gile dibuatnye."oooo...lek lu encik jimin,ape kucar kucar ni"sapa rapmon."V,mane baby aku..?"tanye jimin kepada V,lalu v jawab"ahh,tanye aku pahal!aku dah buang jauh2 bini ko.semak je...'sambil cube untuk mengimarahkan jimin."ayokk...sebelah jantung jimin dah mati..cepat cari nanti jimin matii.."gurau hobie sambil tertawkan adiknye itu..

Kali ni kookie betul betul merajuk.Hampir sehari jimin cari dia tapi tak jumpe."sayang...!!"jerit jimin sekuat hati..Tibe-tibe kedengaran seperti ade bende yg bergerak dalam stor.Tibe-tibe ade tangan yang menepuk bahu jimin dari belakang dengan berkata "kawal perasaan ko jimin,luahkan je"kata jin,Lalu jin pergi.Selangkah demi selangkah jimin masuk menghala ke stor dan akhirnya dia sampai dlm stor itu.Kemudian,bunyi yang sama seperti tadi berulang kembali.Dengan bingkas nye dia pergi menghala kesitu.

Kelihatan ada seorang budak lelaki yg cantiknye mengalahkan perempuan yg selamanye bertahta di hati jimin sedang lena dalam tidurnya smbil memegang satu album di tangannye."jeon jungkook..."dengan nada yang sayu menyebutnya sambil menghala  langkahnya ke arah jungkook yang sedang tidur tersandar di belakangnya dengan beberapa buah kotak yang berisi dengn tersusun rapi.Tiba-tiba "jimin...jahat,,"jungkook mengingau dengan menyebut bende tu..Dan dilepaskan nye album yang sebelum ini di tangannya.

Jimin dengan perlahan -lahannye duduk sebelah jungkook takut jungkook tersedar dengan pergerakannya itu.Maka dengan selamatnya jimin melepasi halangan itu dan kini duduk rapat sehinggakan bahunya bertemu dengan bahu jungkook.Selepas itu,jimin terpandang album yang terlepas dari tangan jungkook tadi dengan tertulis tajuknya.."kasih sayang kita sampai ke syurga".Lalu jimin dapatkan album tu."apabila dia membuka album itu,air matanye mengalir deras membasahi pipinya.

"jiminku sayang,seorang yang rajin,baik hati,bertanggungjawab,berkebolehan,bijak,setia pada cintanya,dan sangat penyayang pada cinta hatinya,Saya tak penah jumpa seorang lelaki macam dia walaupun dia nampak ceria,tapi sesungguhnya saya tau ape yang tersirat dalam hati dia.Jimin..saya sangat sayang awak sayang,jadi jangan hancurkan hati saya,Saya tau satu hari nanti awak akan baca jugak nota yang saya tulis ni,walaupun masa tu saya tak tau sama ade saya masih bernyawa ataupun telah pergi dari dunia ni selamanya.Saya betul2 sangat sayang park jimin kerana awaklah nyawa saya"

Kemudian jimin cuba menyelak ke muka surat seterusnya,dan tak semena mena nya air matanya mengalir lagi..apabila dia tahu di dalam nya semua hanya gambar mereka berdua.Dan dia terus menutup album itu.Dia menukarkan posisi tempat duduk nya itu,dari sebelah dia beralih untuk duduk berdepan dengan jungkook.Jimin memeluk jungkook ke dalam pangkuannya sambil air matanya bederaian tanpa henti."jimin..billaa..?"sebelum jungkook menghabiskan ucapan nye itu,dengan pantasnye jimin memegang kepala jungkook dan tolakkanya ke bahunye.

jungkook cuba untuk menenagkan jimin,jadi masa dalam pangkuan jimin itu dia mengusap usap belakang jimin dengan penuh kasih sayang,lalu air matanya jugak deras mengalir membasahi baju jimin.Lalu jimin tertidur,pada masa yg sama jungkook cuba untuk  keluar dari pangkuan jimin dia takut jimin tak selesa.Tapi sebaik sahaja jungkook menggerakan badanya,jimin terus peluk jungkook sekuat hatinya dengan berkata"jangan pernah cuba untuk lepaskan diri"kata jimin sambil membelai rambut jungkook.

Jungkook bersuara"jangan abaikan saya"sambil memberontak pelukan jimin.Jimin memeluknya semakin erat"diam"jawab jimin dengan dinging nya."jungkook,kalau saya dah tak de lagi dari dunia ni,tolong jaga diri awak sebaik yang mungkin."kata jimin.Sungguh tak disangka jungkook tolak jimin sekuat hatinya sehinggakan jimin tersandar kat dinding"kenapa awak layan saya macam ni..kenapa,,kenapa awak baik hati sangat dengan org macam saya.."luah jungkook sambil air matanya mengalir deras,

"jimin,kalau antara kita berdua yang patut mati,biar lah saya yang pergi dulu,,awak terlalu baik untuk semua orang,"tambah jungkook lagi,Lalu jimin tarik tanganya "pandang saya jungkook"kata jimin sambil matnya memandang tepat ke arah jungkook,Jungkook tak sanggup nak pandang orang yang dia sayang sakit sebab dia,jadi dia hanya mengeraskan badanya di situ."saya tak layak pandang orang yang terpuji macam awak"kata jungkook dengan sebaknya.

Jimin jalan menghampiri jungkook dan jimin mengalihkan kepala jungkook dan jimin melagakan kepala mereka sehingga dahi bertemu dahi.Pada masa itu jungkook menangis sekuat hatinya,Jimin cuba tenangkan jungkook lalu dia memegang kepala jungkook dengan kedua dua belah tangannya,,Tapi makin bersungguh jungkook menangis."awak rasa apa yang saya "soal jimin sambil matanya memandang jungkook.Jungkook hanya menggangkukkan kepalanya."perasaan yang saya rasa sekarang ni...akan selamanya bertahta dalam hati saya.tak ade sorang pon yang dapat mencurinya melainkan hanya awak,hanya awak sayang"luah jimin.

Dengan tiba-tiba jungkook berhenti menangis dan tak semena menanya dia memandang tepat ke dalam mata jimin.Jimin pun memandang tepat ke dalam mata jungkook.Jungkook memeluk jimin.Lalu,Jimin membalas pelukan jungkook dengan penuh kasih sayang.

excuse me...

here jikoook sweet marry couple forever...<3

One day kookie is busying tidy up their house,suddenly..*spLash* the mirror broke and messing the tile ,then,kookie try want to clean it but unluckyly.."ouchh.."scream inside while close his eyes causes hold the pain..then when he open his eyes that mess was clean by jimin."are you hurt?"ask jimin worryly.Then,kookie nodding  hardly.When kookie try go to the toilet,that jimin back hug him and hold kookie's hand point to his face while"this is watercolour"smirk jimin while staring kookie's eyes.

"how do you know "ask kookie while avoid his eyes from jimin."Who am I..The feeling and the pain you feel it impact to me at the same time"say jimin who is busying cover kookie's hand with handplast.The lovely wife's is staring deep at the busy husband.'want something"then,jimin sudden attack while smile at the shocked kookie,then kookie as fast as can turn his face at the window.Jimin try not to make the atsmosphere there become strange then"what present for me to this treatment"while stand up still beside kookie.

When kookie try to walk over,at the same time jimin too want walk over,then they was bumped at the tile,Kookie was bumped first then that jimin upper his body.While kookie open his eye's,hE see jimin head on his shoulder.So he pretend like he don't awake yet cause shy with jimin who is still don't get off from his upper body.Jimin slowly stand  and suddenly stop when he see the nervous kookie who is pretend like nothing happen there and keeping laying on tile close hardly his eyes.

Jimin still at his position who is half stand while staring at the laying kookie."I'm get up already,just don't get too serious baby..."while smiling say that at kookie.Then kookie open his eyes and yet was lie by jimin."ahh,this prevert..."rush wake up and push jimin's chest over from his body.Jimin smile at kookie while "you're that prevert"and  ruffles kookie's hair."how was ,isn't my body is too good for you"tease jimin while that kookie just focusing look over tile causes shy with that his lovely husband's stare at him.

Still both of them is sitting on tile which is face to face each other with the cold atmosphere there without any sound,Then,kookie suddenly hug jimin shyly say "thanks for take care of me of the most..,but still..I won't able to pay back at your day I will,so you just need to wait"say kookie directly while really hug jimin's body without any doubt."I 'll be that really happy cause I have you at whole my enough for me dear,as long as I wiil.. if there cause of you"then hugged kookie's with full of passionated.

my baby...

here jikoook sweet marry couple forever...<3

While the other member walking in front,there have a pair marry couple left behind."serve you right jimin"whispering rapmon while smile deviling alone."Pay attention everyone,please make sure don't deseperated with your's pair."say the flight attendant at that airport.While people busy rush to follow the instruction,there have one person can't make a order while their pushing each other.Then,have a person was push kookie harsly,suddenly kookie was hug by a warm body,Then that own body who is hug kookie's put his hand and lean kookie's face on his chest."you might be lose dear.."

After a few minute,that situation was free..then slowly jimin relieve kookie from his arm's."jimin.."while tugging jimin's clothes."aww..look at that marry couple,so passionated"say V happyly see that situation.Then,jimin hold kookie hand until spot bts at door and relieved without force."romance don't allowed at public"say jin eomaa smirk."chim,both of you seem like shy with each other today.."tease hobie happyly."why with you"reply jimin shyly."kookie yaa..something happen last night.?"whispering V happyly tease that kookie."Then kookie just push him over and say "prevert ".

"I 'm not that prevert and I 'm not that's kind of person.."say jimin frustarted with his hyung who don't stop teasing him from begining."how can you say that,since you already marry with him amd that him is jeon jungkook and jeon jungkook is a boy" reply hobie."even that I 'm marry with him is not for that way,I just want him with me forever with the title as husband and wife,I 'm swear to myself not to do that's cross thing,I'm just want give him all my love and I want him to see my real big heart to him is not a joke."say jimin seriously.

"oww,I see..You're really matured bitch,then..don't let it go and try not to hurt him since you realised or not.I'm believed you that A responsibility,carring,loyal and lovely man to that's one person who you really love,by the way're the best bitch"say hobie to his dongsaeng proudly while patting jimin's back.Then hobie secretly sent chat to V to inform that.Then while hobie and jimin busying discuss about that,kookie and V inside the car,suddenly...'you're so lucky person in this world kookie"say V to kookie while smile proudly at kookie.Kookie just stare at mirror without any doubt.

I just wanna...

here Take more Jikook sweet marry couple forever...<3

while the other member busying practice,look like jimin look unconsiously,he look like don't,"kookie(pout at jimin unconciously at back)"ask rapmon.Kookie nodding and rush to jimin."kookiee.."while hug kookie 's neck."jimin,don't make that face"kookie who is realized that  his lovely  husband in sick.Then Kookie rubbing jimin's chest smoothly"just stay..don't need to rush since you like's hurt to see you like this..honey"

"how it can be..I'm here alone while the other trying hard "while put his warm hand at kookie's cheeck.While jikook make eyecontats for each other.suddenly "little bitch,it's fine just go rest with your lovely wife."Hobie shout from back."5 is enough for Bts "tease suga at back.Jimin's eyes busying staring at kookie's face.Then,"pabo,don't.."say V while unexpected walk through there and have some slap at jimin's back harsly.

Kookie just smile while seeing jimin's reaction after V recongnize his action."'s hurt "sigh jimin."jimin...are you okay?"ask kookie worrryly.Then jimin grab's kookie arm tightly causes can't hold his sick anymore."After a few minutes,jimin awake..since he was faint before."why I'm laying on this bed"aking himself.Then "jimin...wake up..and. let's..."the sleepy kookie beside his bed while grabs jimin's hand tightly."cute...'while smiling proudly and staring at the his slepping baby..

Monday, 27 April 2015

WE're forever...

here..jikook sweet marry couple forever..for jikook shipper <3

"dear.."called jimin for calling kookie,but looks like kookie in moody.Then jimin try to cheer his lovely wife with some funny things,but kookie ignore it.While trying to get off from their room causes he feel annoying with jimin.Then,jimin grab kookie's hand.."am I do something wrong?"asked jimin with full of guilty."let's go of my hand''re annoying"say kookie directly.Then,jimin really shocked with that answer even him slowly realise kookie's hand.

" long no see you"shout bambam while shake hand with kookie."le'ts go for lunch"ask bambam.Then,kookie "I on it today".Thus,they already sit for wait the food.Suddenly,"kookie,are you okay?you face tell me that's..are you jealous with someone?are  you think jimin date with the other girl?"asked bambam."How's it would be,I don't care about with who he date.."say kookie while holding hard his tears."I don't know what happen to me,but I was treat jimin harsly..but I'm really put my believe on him"

"what was I did to kookie?"asked jimin by himself."something happen with you and your's lovely wife huh?"ask Suga suddenly come from back and patting jimin's shoulder to comfort him."recently,kookie is trying hard to avoid himself from me and he'll be really that jealous and currently sulking even the small matter."confess jimin sadly to his brother in-law."That's kid really don't do that on purpose,so try to look back,who's know you was hurt him,go somewhere..where there's only both of you and try to coax him"

while kookie walking in front jimin,jimin who is pretend like want to clean the romm,then jimin grab kookie's arm."baby..don't be like this,I 'm park jimin who is your husband want to know what was I'm  was do to you till you treat me like prison,tell me why?"while begging in front of kookie who is still angry inside his heart."I never dream that I will get marry with you Mr.,park jimin."say kookie while the tear run out from his eyes and  fall into jimin's cheeck.

Jimin who is still begging under the tile while his face up into kookie's face"look's like I really that bad to your's eyes."say jimin sadly.Then kookie sit on the bed while jimin in front him.Then jimin speak out "you're my first love,and will be the last one nobody will replaced you in my heart that's you're the only one..believe me.."said jimin while make eye contact with kookie.Then,kookie kept cry while saying "same as me,but..there are many thing we must face it."reply kookie while crying hardly.

Jimin try go next to kookie and grab kookie's arm and make kookie's body face with him,and Jimin hug kookie's body tightly.."as long as you have me,don't afraid baby...I 'm always there for matter're mine forever"say jimin gently while one his hand hug tightly kookie into his arm and one the other ruffles kookie's hair gently."I hold tight with  what you say "while punch jimin's chest smoothly.Then that kookie deeply sleep into his lovely husband arm's.

Then,jimin whispering at kookie's ears closely"you're mine"while hug kookie with full of passionated jimin .A few second later,kookie whispering at jimin's ears closely "I'm your's"while hug jimin thightly.Jimin slowly try to kiss kookie's cheeck causes he would scary if this time kookie  will reject him again.but as close as jimin lip's into kookie's cheeck,Then kookie say it slowly"just do it".Then,jimin shyly want to kiss kookie's cheeck.Without any doubt kookie kiss jimin cheeck with fulll of passionate for the second time.

After a few minute,when kookie kiss jimin's cheeck "Dear..I'm sleppy '.Then,jimin kiss kookie's cheeck while holding tight kookie's head with the two of his hand's.Kookie  become active back while jimin kiss his cheeck.It takes a long time to jimin kiss his lovely wife 's cheeck causes before this he was trying hard to do that kind of kiss even on the cheeck ,he really be that thanked to his lovely wife for allow him to do that kind of kiss.

the sweetest night...

I'm back...everyone,since Suddenly I have an idea for jikook

So,jikook sweet marry couple forever..<3 All for jikook shipper...<3

"Kookie,I'm go for a sleep first tonight."say jimin fragile while he really sleepy this night.Then,"uhh,what's make he so tired today(small heart)ok,good night jimin.."reply kookie.After a few hour,kookie finish clean the house,so he want go to sleep with his dear husband.

When kookie step into their room then,"kookie,come to me"the sleep jimim say without hestitate.Thus kookie get the blanket to cover jimin's body and "you must have the tiring day today..neaa jiminie..?"while smiling when he looks that jimin still repeat the same thing.."kookie,come to me"then that's kookie just giggle.

Then,when kookie want to move from there,suddenly..jimin's grab him into his arm's.Then kookie be really that superb shock.His heart like want to jump out from his chest.As long as he laying in jimin's arm,then that's jimin come closely to kookie.Jimin's face really inchies from cheeck kookie's.

Then,that kookie really that shock ,so he closed his eyes hardly.Then as long as him at there,that jimin really be that naughty one.Jimin hug kookie while his hand busying ruffleg kookie cheeck's smoothly."owhh,this is bad"whispering kookie to himself.

Actually that jimin really don't sleep yet,but pretend like he was sleep,that's why he do it on purpose.Then,that jimin smiling proudly while the nervous kookie busying try to realise himself.Then,slowly jimin realise kookie from his arm's.

When jimin realise kookie.unexpected,kookie stay still at there,then jimin tease him with the warm hug.At last,jimin still can get that his lovely wife is still nervous,so he back to the normal position.Then,kookie slowly step to out.

Then,that jimin widely open his eyes while look into the other side.Suddenly,have a pair of hand slowly move his body,then he get a kiss at his cheeck,That's kiss he really feel it.The passionated one from his lovely wife.Then,his eye's widely open and stare at his lovely wife,

Then,jimin rushly wake up and sitting on his bed,thus his both of his hand's hold  the kookie's cheeck"kookie,this is you!!"ask jimin suprisely with his lovely wife actin.Then ,that jimin grabs kookie's head into his face then,kiss kookie on his forehead.

SUDDEN attack...

Jikook sweet mrry couple forever...<3

Here for Jikook SHIPPER...

when Bts have their walk into the hall for  take their trophy,while kookie busy looking around,then have a pair of hand backhug him with full of passionated.Sure for that, that's man is.who else if not his prevert husband,that's is Park Jimin.Sure for that,still our kookie really love at that jimin.Then "I miss you babyy.."say jimin with serious tone.Then,"do whatever you like jiiiminie..."say kookie while look into jimin's eyes while smiling on his lips from begining.

"yay,can't you two dork walk fastly.."tease Suga with smile on his face.Still jimin ignore while smiling proudly."this bitch,ayy..really prevert.."say hobie while punch jimin's back with one-shot.kookie start become shy with that complaint."baby,when we want get the child..asked a man to his lovely wife.."tease namjin while patting jimin's back."yaaa..pabo!move quickly"tease V while busying messing around with hobie.

Then while they wait for their turn,all of them need to sit for a while."bts,please give the space for the marry couple"say rapmon proudly.Then,bts give to that marry couple sit at centre.while namjin is busying tease each other.Then that's jimin locked his eyes on that lovely wife who is focusing watch the performance on the stage.While VhOPeGa Is busying imitiate the other group dance.Thus,that kookie realized that his lovely husband who is busying staring into his face.

"jiminie,why..something wrong I did?"ask kookie nervously while  look into jimin;s eyes.Then,for a long time they make eye contact to each other.Kookie trying to avoid jimin's glare ,so he lean his head onto jimin's shoulder while stutter jimin's arm"when for Bts ".Suddenly,jimin hugged kookie without any doubt"you're really kookie,be mine's forever ,,neea baby,"shout jimin's happyly.Then "Of,course I will"reply kookie shyly with the jimin's attacks all of sudden.

No!!! -2

here the continue of the story from before..jikook sweet marry couple forever..<3

"jeon jungkook..where you are??"shout jimin when he wasn't able see kookie anymore in front him.Jimin try hold his anger but it don't help,thus he want punch the wall behind him but..suddenly,went he want to do that.That's have a familiar pretty face he know is standing still in front him while trying hold his fear with closed his eyes closely.

Then,"please...don't hurt your ownself"say kookie while hold tight jimin's hand.Then jimin step by step want to near at kookie.When he stand in front kookie,he hug kookie tightly and"please...don't make me worry all the time,baby.."while ruffles kookie hair gently.

"my fault.."say kookie sadly,"no..there is nobody we have to put the blame,just bygone bygone"say jimin gently while still ruffles kookie's hair.Then kookie hug tightly jimin's body"I really love you,jimin"say kookie.Then jimin reply"I love you more than you know".

No !!! Story about the jealous jikook...
JiKook sweet marry couple forever.......<3

Let's Gooo..!!


While bts is being busy walking over to go somewhere.Suddenly,"kookie,let's go with me "shout V loudly while put his arm around kookie's hand.While,jimin at back stop his step and "chim,let's go there"ask namjin while patting jimin's shoulder."v hyung,I think you should go with..hob.."without kookie's finished his talk."I'm boring,since after you marry with jimin,yet you never have time play with me,so just for today!let's"say V without any doubt with how's kookie feel.

"yaa,bitch ..cheer up"say hobie to his dongsaeng while punch jimin's shoulder."uhh,,sure"reply jimin's with bittersmile at his lips."how's he want cheer up,since his lovely wife is busying playing with the other"smirk suga at back." can I forget about it,that's jimin already marry with his lovely baby"say hobie while pretend like really don't care about how jimin's reaction at that time."it's okay,chim"patting jin while everyone is happy laugh at jimin.

"V hyung,please let's go of your hand's,I 'm..don't ike you being like this.."say kookie directly,but V just ignore it."jimin..where are you?"ask his small heart."OWW,look at that's,it seem like interesting,let's go get it!".shout V pretend like he don't hear what kookie just say for a while.In the way,They want go to that's V placed wanted to go.Suddenly,"jimin,hurry up and sit here with me"say jin happyly while drag jimin's hand.

""say kookie to V while he trying hard stop his step and then,run from there without say any word."Kookie..!!"shout V loudly,then jimin's look at V direction and rush go to get Kookie."it's work suga.."say jin proudly at suga."V baby,daebak!"say hobie proudly while run into V and hug V."that's kid, really have a big heart to that's pabo"whispering V to HOBIE,then,"that's why we must do all this for that's two dork to be together forever."

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Our Heaven....

Jikook sweet marry couple forever ....take this for jikook shipper <3

While the other member is busying playing around.Suddenly jimin grab kookie's hand and take him to the placed he most wanted go with the person his dying  in love.On the way to that placed jimin really hold kookie's hand tightly " I 'm scared you would run from me "say jimin while busy look forward while holding thight his lovely wife's hand.

Kookie holding tight back jimin's hand and say it to jimin " of course I'm not jimin!"After take a long walk ,finally they arrived at that placed jimin's wanted to go."today will be the greatest memory to me"while holding both of kookie's hand and their eyes met each other."let's together forever"both of them say it while look at eyes to eyes.

Then jimin hold kookie's hand and ask  him to sit at the centre of the garden."you look at there,and I look at our position is opposite..are you okay with that,baby?ask jimin to his lovely wife.Kookie just nodding while smiling on his lip.

After do as jimin order,jimin started his movement by lean his head on kookie's shouder and kookie do the same as jimin,then "jeon jungkookie..please be together with me forever without have any doubt on me,I know I was currently hurt you by being with other,you must think I don't see all of that right..You 're wrong..All of the time I don't stop thinking of you,I want you to know right now..that I never stop loving you and..I never let you go to anybody else,Jeon Jungkook..You're mine forever no matter happen You'RE MINE.Then ,jimin hugged kookie with full of passionated.

"Jimin,I'm really love you from begining when at first day you confess to me that 's you really like me.And done I'm always keeping make you hurt even on nowday.I'm sorrry for being lie to you all of  the long time.Acctually I'm scared when one day I will lost you,That'S how I don't know what I wanna to do.Jimin,Don't ever leave me behind.It really hurt .Love is hurt.I never let you go Park Jimin..and I'm really love you more than somebody else.You'RE MINE.

Then both of them hugged tightly for a long time.

-part 12 -

naughty kookie ...

here take again jikook sweet marry couple forever......<3

"Today is the 7th anniversery of jikook marry couple,so anyone have plans to both of that dork?"ask rapmon to the other member.After 5 minute later,"I'll have one "suga raise his hand while say that."what"ask all the member."get the ticket to jeju for all of us,but special order for jikook ".So everyone is agree with suga.

After a few hour,all of them arrived at airport to jeju island.And after 10 minute later their flight was about in time.During in the flight kookie don't feel uncomfortable,so jin go to jimin's sit and drag him to his lovely wife."I leave it to you,since you're his lovely one."say jin and go back to his sit with V.

Jimin sitting beside kookie slowly cause he worry if he will make kookie awake."baby,are you feeling well or not?"asked jimin while his eyes locked at the dizzy kookie.Then kookie slowly lean his head at jimin's shoulder."I'm cold honey"say kookie with the slowly voice.Then,kookie smile behind his act.

Then jimin hug kookie tightly."jimin,sing a song to me"request kookie to his lovely husband."hold me tight before I go,kiss me before I die"sing jimin to his lovely wife.Then kookie giggle at jimin's lyrics"isn't came out from your brain".Then Jimin just smiling while looked at the tile causes shy with his sudden attack.

-part 11-

I'm not prevert guy..

here we go with the next story...

JiKOok sweet marry couple forever with blessing from The MEMEBR (BTS)


"look at jimin's face .." say suga at the member..while watching the jikook in front camera."hooo..nnee..y .."whipering kookie at his lovely husband closely."jimin...handle it "say his heart.Then "ba..byy.."while try not to face kookie's face who is near with his face.

"prevert..prevert.."the member at jimin while kookie is busying take his shoot."why.."say jimin with cool."I 'm see what you try to do for a while before"say suga annoyed while smiling by the nervous jimin.

"good job chim,it's first time i'm see my little bitch can control his hormone hardly"say hobie while try hold his laugh."isn't hard is it pabo ?"say V while laughing."I'm not that prevert guy !!!!!!!" say jimin while grinnig at those two dorks.

"really..??it impossible if with your's kookie "say rapmon proudly tease that lovely husband's kookie.Once again,kookie finished his shooting and rush o to his jimin and unexpected that lovely jimin's wife whispering at him "prevert guy.."and  want run into jin eomma.

As fast as can jimin grab kookie's hand..and hold it till the end"that's your reward for called own husband prevert."say jimin proudly while hold kookie's hand 

-part 9 -

i wanna kiss you...

jioookkk <3

  jikook sweet marry couple for jikook shipper <3

"psst..park,how was with today"whispering hobie to his dongsaeng.Then ,jimin just nodding slowly his head."ji..mi..n.."say kookie while staring at his lovely husband." baby"reply jimin while tugging kookie's chin.

"hmm.."interrupt rap mon while smiling look at jin."not allow a romance scene when at public, my kid "say jin on purpose after get rapmon introduction from awhile ago."yaa..this bitch,always make me shame"say hobie while smiling at V.

"KOokie...see you later.."say jimin while ruffles kookie's hair."aren't both of us sitting aside each other.."reply kookie.Then jimin only pinch kookie's cheeck .V and hobie try to make their scene after jikook.But,"kid..."jin called while smiling like want to kill them.

"suga..(point at jikook)"ask rapmon.Then suga nodding.After finish their fanmeeting they allowed make a choice if want to back for awhile or just stay at practice room.It strange,When they see that marry couple don't back home like before.

While jimin is sitting alone at the makeup room,suddenly have a pair of hand's backhug him and "jiminn..."and unexpected his lovely wife do it some kind of scene.Jimin try to change his position from a back to infront to see his pretty wife.

"don't bedevil me,baby."say jimin in deep of his heart.Then,jimin try control his big feeling want to kiss his wife,even if a peek it can deal with that.Slowly jimin grabs kookie's into his arm and kookie just let it jimin do that.But inchies jimin's lips closely to kookie's lip.Kookie lean his head on jimin shoulder and say "sorry..i'm really love you,but for this ..i'm not ready yet..sorry honey.."say kookie with low voice.Then,jimin just hug kookie's tightly and ruffles kookie's hair and "I get it..don't worry baby.."

-part 8-

Never Let You GO....

yea...take this more..jikook sweet marry couple foreveer..<3

Bts have their practice dance.But,at during break time..kookie try to take a seat at the back..suddenly,"baby...are you okay?are you hURrt?are you..2 "ask his lovey husband while put his arm around kookie's neck.

"ya..park jimin(while point his finger into camera nim)don't be prevert at publicity"say kookie to his lovely husband.While chimin just smile happyly by that."are you kidding?how can i resist by looking at my pretty wife all day "while squezee kookie's cheeck.

"yaa..look at that(point into jikook sweet marry couple4ever )"say suga at jin,thus jin "they are so lucky causes get what's they dream all this time"sigh jin.Then,suga shii patting jin's shoulder while say "you will be like that soon "while evil smile at jin."what are you talking about"reply jin shyly.

"baby...i have something to confess at you now.."say jimin while rufffles kookie''s hair."say it.."while lean his head on jimin's shoulder."  I PARK JIMIN never let you matter happen ,i never let you go "thus hugged kookie tightly into his arm and ruffles kookie's hair.

Without any doubt,kookie reply jimin's hugged and say " so,do i am JEON JUNGKOOK do as the same..".Bts who is back from cafe,slowly open the door and seeking at those jikook marry couple. "oww,..unexpected that pabo really the romantic guy" V happyly see that momment.

"eyy,this kid really can control his hormone"say hobie while smiling."this gonna be serious day"say suga."i wanna cry see this momment.."say jin while try hard to hold his tear."till the end jikook"pray rapmon proudly.

-part 7-

Saturday, 25 April 2015

I am Your's . . .

Here take this JiKook sweet marry couple forever from me..<3(story before jikook marry)

"mr.park !!!come in front of my house now. "shout hobie at jimin shii.."eyy..what's now ??"sigh jiminie.Look like an angel was fallen from the sky that night.The beautiful pure face is laying in front of the hobie's house."go  and get that"say hobie to his younger brothers.

so,jimin slowly step at that pure angel.He trying to do something but nothing come from his brain.Suddenly without feel fear,jimin go to that angel and grabs arm's that angel and put that angel at his back to piggyback that pure angel.

"wow !!that's my dongsaeng.."say hobie proudly at his younger brother.On the way,jimin want to bring that angel.suddenly,"you're cute guy"while a finger point at jimin's cheeck.Jimin speechles with that angel action.So,jimin get shy without any word and continue walk to his house.

when they arrive at jimin's house,suddenly that angel try to out his hand on jimin's mouth.So,jimin grabs his arm's while smiling "what are you want,miss angel?"."make me your's "say that angel with seriously.Jimin spechless for the second,jimin say"yes !! i will.!"

"what is marry ?"ask that angel to jimin while whispering.Jimin get a big shock "from where you learn that miss?"reply jimin.From that guys..(hobie who is smiling widely at his dongsaeng)."marry..marry is when a woman and a man together forever."say jimin to that angel.

"sound like a best thing"say that angel while staring into jimin's eyes.Then "you wanna marry..marry with me "ask jimin while staring back into that angels eyes."i want if with you,if with  the other i never want ".Jimmmin be really crazy after hear that.

After at all,jimin really hard thinking about that angel."how could i be that prevert to that angel who
's don't know anything from the begining"sigh jimin."as usual,you 're the pabo one,if you really like that angel and if you really loves that angel just go drag his to the temple say hobie cheerly.

Lastly,the angel who 's get name from jimin ,finally live happyly with jimin after they get marry,nothing would be worry by jimin,cause he will protect,care and give all his love for that angel who 's name is kookie.


my cutie wife....

Here Jikook marry couple for today <3

26/4/2015 - sunday -

"baby,after finished record this song,let have some walking with me.."say jimin with lovely voice while pintch his wife's cheeck." emm.. "reply kookie.While the both of them are walking at the street.Suddenly,have a pairs of hands are grab jimin's hand.

Kookie glance with full of  sorrow at that person who is grab his lovely husband's arm."haii my cutie chim " say V to jimin."get lost !"shout jimin at that kid.Kookie at back suddenly stop his step while pout jimin's shirt from back.

"baby...why? "asked jimin to his lovely wife."nothing,nevermind"say kookie without look into jimin's face,he just look down at the ground.Suddenly"pakk!!,pabo yaa..don't intterupt my little brother is dating with his lovely wife,"say hobie to v while realise v hand's from jimin arm.

After that hobie drag V from there..and"sorry kid,i will take care  of this little bitch ".Then jimin shii grabs kookie hands and drag kookie into their house.When kookie wants to step into their house,suddenly jimin's hands grabs kookie's arm.

"'re cute when you're jealous"say jimin while locked his eyes on kookie." i'm sleppy,let me go"reply kookie.Then jimin hug kookie into his arm.Kookie really can't bear while he in jimin's arm,so he lean his head on  jimin's  shoulder and fall asleep in his lovely husband's arm.

-part 6 -

just this time...

jikook come ..<3

jikook marry couple

" I really lovvveee yoouu jeon junkookie " shout jimin in their house."dear...are you okay?"asked kookie while can't hold his laugh with the husband confession." I know it from begining dear.."say with the sweet voice to his lovely husband.

Sudddenly,that jimin go to get his lovely wife and sitting aside at his lovely wife while staring with passionated . " baby,come's having some fun with me now"while his hand ruffles his kookie's hair smoothly. "ooo..k,what's that dear?"the nervous kookie reply to his lovely husband.

Jimin really naughty this time.Jimin only locked his eyes on his lovely wife without any word . By that ,kookie really be that nervous..his heart are beating so fast.Even that prevert husband can hear the heart beat of his lovely wife.

Kookie try to walking to their room but suddenly  that's jimin  grab his arm tightly. "what's wrong with you dear ? do you want something,let me know " asked kookie nervously while jimin's eyes only stare at him."I want you baby.."with serious voice.

"exactly,I;m your's..I'm already your wife..right.."say kookie with the tones like want to cry.Then,jimin hug kookie into his arm tightly and "be mine forever'"whispering jimin into kookie ears with full of passionated.That kookie really spechless with his lovely husband word and reply " I will..forever".Then,that jimin really like don't want to realise his hug with kookie..

-part 5 -

wAr of Harmone...

Jikook Shipper...take this <3

There's have a pair of  lovely eyes is staring at you from begining till the end. "hold me tight,before i'm go dear"singing kookie with full of harmony , even don't realize his husband is staring at him with full of passionated.

So,in that case that husband can't control himelf from looking at his beautiful who is really conceterated with his song while close his eyes.So as a husband,he can't hold with his hormone by just looking.So,jimin slowly being closed his face to his beautiful face of his wife.

Suddenly,"dear..isn't the lyrics i'm sing wrong ? "while staring at his lovely husband.So,In that case,Jimin stop for want to being closed his face to his wife's face..and just acted like nothing happen AND just nodding,Jimin try control himself from being prevert who is want stealing a kiss from his wife.

-part 4-